Friday, April 16, 2010

word art

I chose the word paint because I could think of a lot of designs for it.
My biggest struggle was figuring out what to make a picture of because there were so many thing to choose from.
I am proud of the way the word is put into the picture.
If I could start all over I would find a more interesting design to use

I chose the word paint because it has a lot of easy designs that I could use for it.
My biggest struggle was figuring out how to get the words to form the picture that I wanted.
I am proud of how the paint brush is painting the word "paint".
If I could start over I would make the lines flow better.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Best of 2009!

The Leap of Gothica

I chose this picture as one of my best because it is a good action shot and it is a good quality picture.
I like the angle in the picture. I like how the picture shows the person, the playground, and the moon only.
If i was to expand on this picture i would take more action pictures of the subject.

I See a Creeper

I chose this picture as one of my best because it is a different type of picture then my other ones and it describes the person.
I feel that this picture was successful because it has a combination of two different angles and because the person is mostly hidden.
To expand on this picture i would take more pictures of the subject being partially hidden.

Unused Shoe

This image is one of my best because it is a picture of a simple shoe but it looks strange.
I think that this pic is successful because it is a close up and has two very different colors in it.
To expand on this picture i would take pictures of the same shoe with different colored laces.

I didn't make a new years resolution yet.